Wednesday 25 April 2012

Gearing up to enjoy greater independence

Ex para-trooper William Johnson, 40, from Farnborough, has experienced a new lease of life after being medically discharged from the army due to a brain tumour. He had always enjoyed an active lifestyle with a love for outdoor activities but his condition led to difficulties in remaining mobile and being able to drive.
Thanks to a TGA Vita mobility scooter from Hexagon Healthcare, which he was first introduced to while watching a scooter challenge on BBC Top Gear he is now able to get out and about.
William’s wife Katy said: “As I work full time as a speech and language therapist at the Royal Surrey Hospital we really needed to discover a way of making sure William could go about his daily life independently, even though he now lives with restricted mobility. 
“It was only when he saw a ‘cool’ and rugged TGA mobility scooter on Top Gear that William decided this was the answer. He had always considered them to be for more mature people and didn’t realise their amazing capabilities these days.”
William contacted Hexagon Healthcare near Farnham after the programme and he said: “Although the TGA Vita Sport I now own was not on the show, I felt it would be best for me. Not only can I now venture out alone, Katy and I can once again enjoy walks in the countryside together.”
Inspired to freedom by BBC Top Gear and TGA: William Johnson from Farnborough on his new TGA Vita Sport with his wife Katy

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