Thursday 16 August 2012

Charities hold complex epilepsy event

Parents and carers of children with complex epilepsy from across the UK are invited to attend an Information Day so they can learn more about the condition.
The day-long event in the West Midlands is a joint venture between Young Epilepsy and Matthew’s Friends. It offers an opportunity to increase understanding of complex epilepsy and meet other families in a similar situation.
Young Epilepsy chief executive David Ford said it will give anyone caring for a child with complex epilepsy  the “rare chance to hear from psychologists, consultants and specialist epilepsy nurses. “
He said: “We know parents and carers find these events useful and we encourage anyone raising a child with complex epilepsy to attend.”
Emma Williams the chief executive of Matthew’s Friends said: “As a mother of a child with complex epilepsy, I know the struggles families go through every day. Practical information and support will help empower a family to work effectively with all the different professionals they will encounter during their child’s life and this information day will hopefully help to do just that; empower the family.”
The Information Day is on Saturday 13th October at St John’s Hotel, Warwick Road, Solihull. For further information see

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