Thursday 16 August 2012

Fifth national independent living awards

To celebrate businesses, voluntary groups and individuals that excel in promoting the independence of disabled people Breakthrough UK has launched the National Independent Living Awards 2012.
The awards for those who “go the extra mile” to remove barriers faced by disabled people are now officially open for entries.
Breakthrough UK’s acting chief executive Michele Scattergood said the awards “publically acknowledge the fantastic work of those commercial and voluntary organisations that consistently go the extra mile for disabled people.
“Following the success of last year’s awards, we’ve decided to host the awards online once again - saving on both the costs and carbon emissions which occur when staging such an important event.
“We now want to receive entries from all those who constantly ensure that disabled people live independent lives.”
Winning organisations will feature in a short film which will be shown on Breakthrough UK’s website on 3rd December – which is International Day of Persons with Disabilities – and receive a specially commissioned trophy.
They will also be entitled to use the Breakthrough UK 2012 National ILA logo for a year.
The closing date for entries is 15th October. For more details

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