Thursday 22 March 2012

Healthcare workers list cost efficiency drives ahead of reacting to regulations as key to success

A survey by KPMG has uncovered that healthcare professionals view their number one priority as changing business operations to drive down cost. It also shows that this focus outweighs their desire to respond to regulatory change.
KPMG’s Business Leaders Survey – based on the views of 3,000 business leaders from across Europe and the Middle East – goes on to reveal that one in five within the health sector recognise the need to adapt to take into account changing customer and stakeholder behaviour. Although low in number, this figure is still higher than the national average comfortable with change (18 per cent).
Mark Britnell, chairman and partner of KPMG’s global healthcare practice, says: “Given the current state of the economy, it’s no surprise that cost cutting is top of the agenda.  However, with just 6 per cent suggesting that a reaction to regulatory change should be a priority, questions should be asked about how healthcare will succeed in a changing world. 
“In the UK, and elsewhere, we are on the cusp of major changes to the way healthcare provision is administered. In part this is a result of changing demographics, but it is also driven by the demands of patients. Healthcare providers need to be ready to respond, whether their response is driven by regulation or populist demand.”
The survey highlights that over three quarters of respondents (77 per cent) believe the private sector will become increasingly involved in public health – both in terms of direct medical provision and outsourced, back office, functions.

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