Thursday 22 March 2012

Minister claims statistics show benefit changes justified

More than one in three people whose claims for incapacity benefits have been reassessed have been found to be fit for work, according to ministers.
The department for work and pensions has released official figures for the first 141,100 incapacity benefits claimants to start the reassessment process. They show 37 per cent of those whose claims have been concluded have been found fit for work.
The remaining 63 per cent of claimants were entitled to Employment and Support Allowance, ESA,:
Thirty four per cent were placed in the Work Related Activity Group, where they will receive personalised help and support to help them prepare for a move into suitable work in the future.
Twenty nine per cent were placed in the Support Group and will receive unconditional financial support and will not be expected to work.
The employment minister Chris Grayling said: “These first figures completely justify our decision to reassess all the people on incapacity benefits. To have such a high percentage who are fit for work just emphasises what a complete waste of human lives the current system has been.”

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