Friday 30 March 2012

Free user forum for designers of mobility products

Designers with a new product concept – or simply a bright idea – for the mobility market, can find it difficult to gain feedback from potential end users at an early stage. At this year’s Mobility Roadshow innovators and Roadshow visitors will meet in the expanded Design Zone Café – an open forum to exchange ideas about looks and functionality of current and future independent living products: what’s hot and what’s not.
It takes place at the East of England Showground Peterborough on 21-23 June. Entry is free and there is no charge to take part in the Design Surgery.
With more than 10 million disabled people in the UK, over 15 per cent of the total population, the market for mobility and independent living products is substantial.
Jacqui Jones the executive director of Mobility Choice, the charity that organises the roadshow said: “The future for the mobility market is design led. For some years disabled people have been challenging manufacturers of independent living aids to deliver products that are stylish as well as functional.
“We introduced the Design Surgery concept as a pilot last year and it proved hugely popular. Several hundred visitors judged new and concept products on the highly popular ‘cool wall’ and had the opportunity to have their say about products they love or hate – or would like to change in some way.”

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