Thursday 22 March 2012

Sutton’s pilot dementia service attracts care minister

The Minister of State for Care Services, Paul Burstow, visited a pioneering support service for people living with dementia run by the Avenues Trust Group in Sutton in March.
The pilot dementia service has run in Sutton since last summer when Sutton Council recognised there was a growing need for specialist dementia support in the area.Tom Brake, the MP for Carshalton and Wallington, also visited the club, held at Anchor’s Admiral Court, recently and recommended Mr Burstow see the service first hand.
The Admiral Court Club teams people to jointly use their social care direct payments to pay for the support they receive from Avenues. The group used to use a local day care centre and pooling their money together means the group can get more support and stay together.  
The Admiral Court Club is one example of ‘lateral thinking’ which improves the lives of those living with dementia in the borough. Another is in connecting people who live with dementia and their carers/families with the community in which they live to ensure they don’t become isolated and excluded, while the community also benefits.

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