Wednesday 27 June 2012

Employers urged to offer flexible working to support mental health needs

One in four people experience a mental heath problem at some point in their lives costing the economy an estimated £105 billion. Many are of working age and in employment. It is the most common reason for incapacity benefit claims.
Under a new initiative, launched by the health minister Lord Howe, staff with mental health needs could be offered more flexible working.
Speaking at the Work Foundation, Lord Howe set out how companies including manufacturing umbrella body EEF, EDF Energy have signed up to a new Responsibility Deal pledge.
The approach to help manage and support employees with mental health needs has been developed as part of a new health and work pledge and includes:
* taking a flexible approach to start/finish times and shift patterns;
* allowing paid or unpaid leave for medical appointments;
* offering a phased return to work;
* providing a quiet space for breaks; and
offering job sharing. 

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