Monday, 25 June 2012

Guide to help family carers get the right support

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has launched a new guide providing information for family carers of people with learning disabilities about the NHS Continuing Healthcare.
NHS CHC, a complete package of health and social care paid for by the NHS is available for people who have been assessed to have a “primary health need.”
The booklet provides practical information about what exactly NHS Continuing Healthcare is, how people are assessed for it and how decisions are made. It also includes details about what happens if a person is eligible or not for NHS CHC as well as advice about how to get help and useful contacts to get more information. 
Alison Giraud-Saunders, consultant at the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, said: “People with learning disabilities who have very complex health needs face unique challenges in their care. Our research has shown there is a real need for targeted information. The big priority for families is of course to get the right support for their relatives. It shouldn’t matter where the money comes from. But different sources of funding come with different rules and it’s really important for families to understand what these may mean.
“The rules around NHS CHC are complex and the NHS staff responsible for CHC funding aren’t always well informed about people with learning disabilities or personalised support. So it’s even more important for families to know what’s possible, what questions to ask and what to look out for.”

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