Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Forecourt attendants to make a return

After an absence of more than 20 years Shell is re-introducing forecourt attendants at nearly 300 selected sites across the UK this spring.
The new Attended Service programme is a free service designed to help drivers with advice on fuels and fuel efficiency, basic car care and safety tips. Whether the customer is a rushing commuter, a busy mum or those with restricted mobility, drivers will be greeted by a uniformed forecourt attendant trained by the Automobile Association, AA, to be able to carry out a range of car care tasks for customers.
A survey of more than 2,000 adults, conducted by YouGov for Shell, revealed that 20 per cent would rather have help and assistance when buying a product or service than be left to make their own choices. This rises to 25 per cent for those aged 55 and over. In addition, 30 per cent view customer service as “good” when it saves them time by doing all the work for them and this rises to 34 per cent with the under 35 age group who viewed this as important.
Melanie Lane the general manager at Shell UK Retail, said: “Across the industry, UK forecourts are generally not considered the most inviting and customer service-focused environments, and we aim to do something about that. 
 “We are also encouraging our customers to tell us how the attendants are doing as well as other ways we can improve their experience through our Tell Shell system at”
To find the nearest sites see website

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