Thursday 21 June 2012

NHS rationing hitting patient care  

Responding to a new report by the Labour Party showing procedures and treatments which are being rationed in the NHS, the chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing Dr Peter Carter, said: “Our Frontline First campaign has been identifying cuts across the NHS for more than two years now, and this report just shows the impact those cuts are having on patients. Yes, difficult decisions do have to be made, but if you are a child with hearing loss or an older person who has problems with their mobility, these issues are not minor. 
“By lowering the criteria for treatment further, the NHS could be costing itself more money by not fixing problems promptly and waiting for conditions to worsen. 
“NHS organisations need to think and plan very carefully and change services in the interests of patients. Instead, some are making short-sighted cutbacks which help neither the NHS coffers or patient care.”

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