Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Challenge fund to help communities combat isolation in old age

More  than a third of people in London would like to help reduce the isolation of elderly people in their community, but over half do not have the confidence to do so, according to a survey for the innovation foundation, Nesta. 
The study comes as Nesta and the Cabinet Office encourage organisations to submit ideas to the Ageing Well challenge that bring people together in new ways to combat loneliness.

Twenty-five entries to the challenge, which is run by Nesta’s Centre for Challenge Prizes and funded by the Cabinet Office, will be shortlisted and given the support and opportunity to develop a detailed plan for their idea. 
Five concepts with the potential for sustainability and scale will then each receive up to £10,000 and professional advice to set up and test their projects. 

The idea that is proving most effective at reducing isolation, and has the potential to be even more effective in the future, will be selected in September 2013 and will be awarded £50,000.
Entry is via online application at www.nesta.org.uk/givingchallenges and the deadline is 14 September 2012.

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