Monday 17 September 2012

New Alliance to deliver disability strategy

The government has announced the formation of a new disability action alliance to help respond to the ideas put forward by disabled people and their organisations on living fulfilling lives.
Convened by Disability Rights UK and supported by the Office for Disability Issues, the alliance will consider thousands of suggestions put forward by disabled people earlier this year as part of the ‘Fulfilling Potential’ discussion.

The minister for disabled people Esther McVey said: “The Paralympics truly captivated the hearts of the nation and have undoubtedly helped shift attitudes and perceptions towards disabled people. What we have now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capitalise on this and to work with disabled people to deliver lasting change.
“I want to ensure that there is a clear focus in place across government and will be working with disabled people and their organisations on developing the new disability strategy so that this country remains a world leader in disability equality.”
Last year the dovernment invited disabled people to help shape a new cross-government disability strategy. The ‘Fulfilling Potential, the Discussions So Far’, published today, summarises the issues raised, and shows how actions are already being taken to address many of the issues.

‘Fulfilling Potential, Next Steps’ sets out the vision and principles; outlines further public sector reforms; and announces a new disability action alliance, involving organisations from across the private, public and voluntary and community sectors.

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