Wednesday 19 September 2012

'Health through warmth' npower scheme reaches milestone  

The npower Health Through Warmth scheme, which helps vulnerable residents, is celebrating after hitting 75,000 referrals.
Since 2000, Health Through Warmth has worked closely with community professionals, charities and other organisations to help residents in need. It aims to help homeowners whose health is made worse by cold living conditions by helping to fund the installation of heating and insulation measures which they can’t afford themselves. 

The scheme finds funding from different organisations and to date has secured more than £1.4 million of charitable funds, as well as contributing £7.8 million from the unique npower Health Through Warmth Crisis Fund.
Elaine Midwinter, npower Health Through Warmth scheme manager, said: “We’re delighted to have reached such a major milestone.

“We hope to continue to build our relationships with community organisations to help identify people in need, so even more local residents can benefit from the scheme.”
For more information about Health Through Warmth

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