Monday 17 September 2012

Exercise attachment for amputees wins award

A Preston-based group of BAE Systems apprentices has won the Make it in Great Britain Challenge – a competition launched earlier this year to find the most innovative ideas in the UK which are not yet on the market.

BedFleX, an elastic attachment for use by recovering amputees and critical care patients, raced to victory in the final part of the challenge after being on display at the Make it in Great Britain exhibition at the Science Museum.
The public were invited to vote on their favourite of five finalists, all of whom had previously been recognised as best in their category. 

BAE Systems won the public vote for its BedFleX, which allows patients to take part in bed-based exercise to aid rehabilitation. 
The business minister Michael Fallon said: “I’d like to congratulate the BedFlex team. They have put the skills they gained from their apprenticeships into creating this winning piece of technology. 
“All of the finalists should be proud of their success at making it to the exhibition. Over 40,000 people came to see their creations alongside those of some of Britain’s leading manufacturers.”

BedFlex enables patients to secure resistance tubing to a stable object, such as the bed, without the risk of the elastic slipping or coming undone – a common problem with existing physiotherapy tools which use resistance tubing.

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