Monday 16 July 2012

Agreement to improve safety for adults at risk

New procedures launched today aim to improve communication between the different professionals responsible for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the West Midlands.
The initiative follows the publication last week of the White Paper on Social Care. It involves a number of organisations including West Mercia Police, NHS West Midlands and the Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. They will be working together more regularly to promote safer communities, preventing harm and abuse. They will also deal with suspected or actual cases of abuse. 
The chief executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence Andrea Sutcliffe, SCIE, said: “Following similar work in London, we wanted to use that good practice to protect adults further afield. We hope that more areas will follow suit shortly.”
Sandra Ashton-Jones from Wolverhampton’s Safeguarding Adults Team, and the chair of the working group which developed the new policies said: “There wasn’t anything wrong with the way that individual areas were doing things beforehand, but we want to ensure that people across the West Midlands can be confident that the way they will be treated in one area will be the same as another. ”

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