Wednesday 11 July 2012

Social care proposals only a start – RCN

Commenting on today’s publication of the Social Care White Paper and the “progress report” on social care funding, Royal College of Nursing chief executive and general secretary, Dr Peter Carter, said: 
“While there is much to welcome in these proposals, nurses will be particularly disappointed that the government has failed to tackle the critical issue of social care funding. Accepting the need for a cap on the amount individuals contribute to costs without any timescale for implementation will be cold comfort to service users and patients. It also stores up major problems for the future.
 “It is nursing staff who are currently dealing with the pressures of delayed transfers between hospital and community settings. We are particularly concerned that at the moment many people face a ‘revolving door’ in care. 
For some this means ending up back in hospital soon after discharge as the support simply does not exist to care for them properly in the community.”

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