Wednesday 11 July 2012

College says measures would help social workers to take on new roles

The government's White Paper on care and support will strengthen the position of social workers as they take on the challenge of new roles in adult social care, according to the College of Social Work.
The college had previously called for social workers to be “liberated from the care management strait-jacket” to take a more creative, problem-solving approach to supporting users and carers.

“This White Paper clearly acknowledges the importance of social work as new ways of delivering personalised services continue to emerge in adult social care,” said Bernard Walker the chair of The College of Social Work adults faculty.
“We will be working with our members and their employers to ensure that the recommendations of the White Paper on the value of social work with adults are taken on board.  If the ‘one size fits all’ approach in social care is to be ended and adults who need support are to be helped to flourish in their own communities, social workers will have a vital role in making it happen.
“The White Paper says that some of the ideas in the Munro review of child protection fit adult social work too. We agree, so we expect the government to step back and trust the professionals. We look forward to the appointment of a chief social worker and of principal social workers in every adult social services department.”
Adult safeguarding boards will be put on a statutory footing and local authorities will have a duty to investigate cases of suspected abuse.

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