Wednesday 25 July 2012

Keeping parents in the loop

A new practical resource by Mencap which includes film clips of families telling their own stories of their experiences of healthcare – aims to ensure parents and carers of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, PMLD, are involved in decision making.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 requires all health professionals to consult with family members when an adult lacks the mental capacity to make the relevant decision themselves.
Aimed at families which include a person with PMLD, the information equips parents to know their rights and gives practical suggestions of how they can ensure that they and their family member are involved in decisions.
Beverley Dawkins the policy manager for profound and multiple learning disabilities, at Mencap said: “Families often have invaluable knowledge about their loved one, such as how they express that they are in pain, but health professionals are failing to meet their legal duty to consult them.
“Mencap has developed this resource because it is very important that families know their rights and feel able to challenge when they are not being involved.”
The resource has been funded by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, SCIE , with families providing guidance through an advisory group.

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