Wednesday 25 July 2012

Move to encourage employers to give disabled people a chance

The government has launched a wage incentive scheme linked to young disabled people finding work. 

From today employers can claim a payment of up to £2,275 – when they recruit a young disabled person through Work Choice – a specialist programme that gives severely disabled people tailored employment support.

The minister for disabled people Maria Miller said: “This will not only help young disabled people gain practical experience in the workplace, but also showcase their talents and give them the edge in a tough jobs market.”
Also young disabled jobseekers on work experience will be able to access extra support to help them into mainstream placements through Access to Work.
Until now the scheme that can provide specially adapted equipment, support workers and interpreters has only been available to those in paid work. From the autumn it will now be extended to those doing work experience placements as well.
 To apply for the new Wage Incentive
  Maria Miller the minister for disabled people

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