Thursday 24 May 2012

50,000 older people in Wales starving in their own homes every day

The British Dietetic Association, BDA, has tabled a hard-hitting motion at this year’s Wales Trades Union Congress to highlight levels of malnutrition in older people living in their own homes in Wales, and in the wider UK, which was support unanimously.
This year’s Wales TUC took place in Llandudno 22-24 May 2012.  The BDA motion (number 41) was heard on 24 May.
The BDA’s current campaign called Mind the Hunger Gap involves highlighting the “disgrace” that involves around 1,000,000 (one million) older people in the UK (50,000 in Wales) suffering from malnutrition on a daily basis.  
This figure does not include those older people in a hospital or care setting, it is those older people living in our community or, as they have become, the ‘invisible’ population.
For more details about the campaign see The BDA website can be found at

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