Monday 28 May 2012

DysNet chairman appointed to board of Disability Rights UK

DysNet, the newly-launched limb difference network, is delighted to announce that its chairman, Geoff Adams-Spink, has been appointed to the board of Disability Rights UK.
Geoff Adams-Spink leads both DysNet and its European NGO parent EDRIC (European Dysmelia Reference Information Centre).
DysNet has been launched to bring together the world’s congenital limb difference (Dysmelia) groups and organisations. This month also saw the launch of the DysNet RareConnect community forum under the auspices of EURORDIS and NORD, the world’s leading rare diseases organisations.
Disability Rights UK, was formed at the start of 2012 through a unification of Disability Alliance, Radar and National Centre for Independent Living. 
Geoff Adams-Spink is a former BBC disability correspondent and a survivor of the morning sickness drug, Thalidomide. Women who took the drug for morning sickness while pregnant, gave birth to children with shortened or missing limbs and other disabilities. Thalidomiders are this year marking the 50th anniversary of the withdrawal of the drug.
Geoff Adams Spink said: “I am delighted to be joining the Disability Rights UK board. There are many important issues being faced by people with disabilities and DRUK has a strong voice to campaign on their behalf. I believe our work at DysNet for people with limb differences with be enhanced and strengthened by this new link.”

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