Wednesday 2 May 2012

Comprehensive guidance for lone workers

A new web page has been launched to provide lone workers and their employers with a central point of information on health and safety, legal obligations, quality standards and advice on choosing a reputable supplier of lone worker devices.
Launched by the Lone Worker Forum of the British Security Industry Association, BSIA, the page offers easy-to-understand advice and links to guidance documents, which set out the individual rights and responsibilities of both employers and their lone working employees.
Patrick Dealtry the chairman of the BSIA’s Lone Worker Forum, said: “More than six million people in the UK work either in isolation or without direct supervision, often in places or circumstances that put them at potential risk. A wide variety of organisations and industry sectors employ people whose jobs require them to work or operate alone, either regularly or occasionally.
“The protection of lone workers involves a twofold approach; not only to provide safeguards but also to offer reassurance to the people involved. The BSIA’s Lone Worker Forum recommends that companies choose lone worker systems that are compliant to British Standard 8484.
“The launch of this dedicated web page means that employers can now find out more about the implications of BS8484, download useful guidance and locate reputable suppliers.”
For more details see the website

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