Monday 28 May 2012

Changing lives through colour

Sally Webb at Connect 2 Colour believes all of us can benefit from an amazing new creative art process which is captured on canvas. Newly launched Connect 2 Colour offers creative, inclusive workshops for special educational needs (SEN) children and adults using a unique technique with paint, glitters, stones and other embellishments with not a paintbrush in sight.  
Sally Webb has a brother with severe learning difficulties and a daughter with special needs. She has also been working with special needs individuals and families for the last 25 years and knows quite a lot about how to make activity inclusive.
Sally Webb said: “In the children’s workshops everyone learns the new skills together. This encourages the children to communicate with each other and find a connection that is fulfilling and positive. This is much the same for adult groups.”
Launching a new charity in June she hopes the Connect 2 Colour Community Fund will ensure that low income families and groups can access the Connect 2 Colour experience.
For more information see

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