Wednesday 30 May 2012

E-petition to beat avoidable malnutrition and dehydration      

 The chair of the Nutrition & Hydration Action Alliance (NHAA) Dr Mike Stroud has launched an e-petition to drive a debate in parliament on eliminating avoidable malnutrition and dehydration.
“Too many individuals – adults and children – are not getting the nutrition and hydration help and treatment they need to maintain health or combat disease and trauma,” said Dr Mike Stroud. 
“Many pledges have been made over the years by successive governments to improve hospital food. But the time for talking is over – comprehensive action is needed now.
“We need a minister to take responsibility; a National Clinical Director to champion the cause; malnutrition and dehydration to be public health priorities; training in nutrition and hydration in place for all caring for others, and the National Commissioning Board to monitor prevalence and progress.”
 He is urging everyone to sign the e-petition and pass the request on to 10 colleagues.

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