Tuesday 1 May 2012

Research project to involve those with autism

A project to identify the priorities for future research into autism will be launched at a Parliamentary Reception this week. 
Research Autism said the need for a better understanding of the lifelong neurological disability, which impairs an individual’s ability to communicate, has never been greater. 
Remapping Autism Research: Identifying Priorities for the Decade Ahead will involve people with autism, parents and carers having their say in how an issue is researched, how it is funded and who undertakes the research. The charity said this re-mapping exercise will continue a much-needed dialogue between families and researchers, enabling parents and people with autism to shape the future UK research agenda.
The business secretary Vince Cable is due to attend the launch and speakers will include Professor Tony Charman from the Institute of Education and Claire Enders of Enders Analysis. The research project will be led by Professor Tony Charman and Dr Liz Pellicano from the Institute of Education.

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